Breakthroughs in Mimetic Theory
Series editor: William A. Johnsen
Related series: Studies in Violence, Mimesis, and Culture
Mimetic theory has been developed in a remarkable series of books, articles, and interviews by René Girard and his colleagues over the past forty years. The Breakthroughs in Mimetic Theory series features short monographs breaking new ground by initiating new connections among mimetic theory, models of human behavior, and other disciplines.
Please direct proposals to William A. Johnsen.
Related series: Studies in Violence, Mimesis, and Culture
Mimetic theory has been developed in a remarkable series of books, articles, and interviews by René Girard and his colleagues over the past forty years. The Breakthroughs in Mimetic Theory series features short monographs breaking new ground by initiating new connections among mimetic theory, models of human behavior, and other disciplines.
Please direct proposals to William A. Johnsen.
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The Time Has Grown Short
René Girard, or the Last Law
Violence, the Sacred, and Things Hidden
A Discussion with René Girard at Esprit (1973)
Flaubert, Proust, Fitzgerald, Miller, Lana Del Rey
(New) Fascism
Contagion, Community, Myth
Reflection in the Waves
The Interdividual Observer in a Quantum Mechanical World
Reflections on Mimetic Desire and Society