Meet MSU Press editor Judith Lakamper at the NCA 110th Annual Convention in New Orleans, LA, November 21 to 24, 2024. MSU Press will present books from our scholars and offer a discount of up to 30% on featured conference titles.
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New Releases
9781611864342 COVID and… How to Do Rhetoric in a Pandemic $49.95 $34.97
9781611865325 Deliberating Ghana $35.95 $25.17
9781611864663 Hillary Clinton’s Career in Speeches $49.95 $34.97
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9781611864342 Mourning in the Anthropocene $35.95 $25.17
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9781611864595 The Rhetoric of White Slavery $49.95 $34.97
9781611864793 Rhetorical Climatology $39.95 $27.97

Other popular titles
9781611864090 The Call $44.95 $31.47
9781611861136 Confessions of a Presidential Speechwriter $40.80 $28.56
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9781611860993 The Good Neighbor $59.95 $41.97
9781611862577 Imagining China $39.95 $27.95
9781611863604 Intellectual Populism $34.95 $24.47
9781611861402 Intertextuality and the 24-Hour News Cycle $39.95 $27.97
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9781611863468 The Manufacture of Consent $44.95 $31.47
9781611862874 Michael Osborn on Metaphor and Style $59.95 $41.97
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9781611863413 The Origins of Bioethics $13.99
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9781611862539 To Become an American $39.95 $27.97
9781611864083 Turntables and Tropes $42.95 $30.47
9781611863826 Uprising $44.95 $31.47
9781611860832 William James and the Art of Popular Statement $42.95 $30.07

US‒China Relations in the Age of Globalization
9781611863765 Communication Convergence in Contemporary China $44.95 $31.47
9781611864298 Critiquing Communication Innovation $39.95 $27.97
9781611863918 Engaging Social Media in China $49.95 $34.97
9781611863673 Green Communication and China $44.95 $31.47
9781611864212 The U.S.–China Trade War $49.95 $34.95
9781611863925 A World of Turmoil $54.95 $38.47