CR: The New Centennial Review Author Publishing Agreement

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  1. You, as Author of the Article, hereby grant and transfer to the Journal and the Publisher certain world, English language rights, as specified in paragraph 2 below.
  2.  Rights of the Author, the Journal, and the Publisher: The author grants to the Publisher the non-exclusive English-language worldwide serial publication rights for the above mentioned Article in print and electronic/digital formats, including distribution through searchable online library databases. The Publisher may reprint the Article in a future publication of its own (as in a retrospective or anthology edition) and on its website, and may excerpt the Article from the Journal for use in promotional material for the Journal. The Publisher shall copyright the issue of the Journal in its name to assure protection of the whole and shall distribute the Journal through subscriptions, through single-copy orders, and through a variety of other electronic media. The Publisher may grant others permission to make reprints or photocopies. The Author retains all other rights, including copyright, under present copyright law. Should the Article be accepted for an anthology at a later date, or included in a collection of the Author’s own work, the Author need not request a reassignment of rights. The Publisher requests that, in such cases, the Author give proper credit to the Journal as follows: “This Article originally appeared in CR: The New Centennial Review, Vol. [#], Iss. [#], [year], pp. 000-00” and notify the Publisher of such publication. Authors of essays will be provided one (1) complimentary copy of the Journal issue in which the Article appears; the Author may purchase additional copies at a discounted rate.
  3. Proofs: You agree to make changes to the Article to conform to the Journal’s style. You will be given an opportunity to read and correct proofs. If proofs are not returned by the designated date, publication may proceed without your approval. The Publisher will charge you $10 per line altered for text changes you make in typeset material that exceed the correction of errors and/or omissions.
  4. Rights of the Journal and the Publisher: The rights of the Journal and the Publisher include but are not limited to the following uses: (1) to publish the Article in any media, whether paper or electronic; (2) to use the Article either in complete form or as an extract in promotional material for the Journal; (3) to license abstracts, quotations, extracts, reprints, and/or translations of the work for publication; (4) to license reprints of the Article to third persons for educational photocopying; (5) to license others to create abstracts of and to index the Article; (6) to license secondary publishers to reproduce the Article in print, microform, or any computer-readable form, including electronic online databases; and (7) to license the Article for document delivery.
  5. Warranties: You represent and warrant to the Journal and the Publisher that the Article is original, that you have full power to make this Agreement; that you are the sole Author(s); that you have not previously published or agreed to publish the Article in whole or in part elsewhere, except as you have informed the Journal and the Publisher in writing; that you have used all reasonable care to ensure that all facts and statements in the Article are accurate; and that the Article is not defamatory or in violation of any right of privacy, common law, statutory copyright, or other personal or property rights. You as Author: (1) will indemnify and hold the Journal and the Publisher harmless against any loss, including attorney fees, occasioned by any breach of warranties outlined above in paragraph two; (2) have secured from the rights holders and have provided to the Journal and the Publisher written permission to reproduce all illustrations and/or other material employed in the Article.
  6.  Fees for Subsidiary Rights: If any fee of more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) is collected by the Publisher for the licensing of subsidiary rights to separate use of the Article, and if the Publisher has your current address, the Publisher will pay you sixty percent (60%) of the part of said fee in excess of $250.00. Any fee of less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) collected will be divided by the Journal and the Publisher to help defray publication and licensing.