MSU Press is delighted to announce that Dr. Jill Doerfler is the new editor for the American Indian Studies series, following the retirement of founding editor Gordon Henry at the end of 2022. Doerfler was born and raised on the White Earth Reservation in Minnesota, where her mother is an enrolled member. She earned her PhD in American Studies from the University of Minnesota, and she is a professor and department head of American Indian Studies at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Having served on the series editorial board for several years, Doerfler is excited to take on the editorship.
The American Indian Studies series seeks to develop deeper understandings of American Indian/Indigenous cultures and identities and the place(s) of American Indian/Indigenous people in today’s world. The series is open to a wide variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. It includes works by junior and senior scholars that significantly contribute to scholarship and are of interest beyond specialized audiences. We are especially interested in works centered in the Great Lakes region in the US/Canada.
In addition, Dr. Doerfler will oversee the Makwa Enewed imprint. Makwa Enewed is dedicated to books encompassing the varied views and perspectives of people working in and with American Indian nations/communities. Books published under this imprint rely less on formal academic critique and more on experientially grounded views and perspectives on issues, activities, and developments in Indian Country. The series gathers its strength from the voices of tribal leaders, community activists, and community engaged scholars. Thus, each book published under the Makwa Enewed imprint emerges from tribally based people and places, engaging readers in the varied beliefs and pressing interests of American Indian peoples and nations.
Please send queries and proposals for monographs and edited collections to Jill Doerfler.