In lieu of the discounts normally offered at the canceled fall conferences, we’d like to give our readers up to 40% off on select titles! Use code MSUPFALL20 through November 30.
National Communication Association

9781611861136 Confessions of a Presidential Speechwriter $40.80 $30.00
9781611861273 Creating Conservatism $34.95 $24.00
9781611862959 Debating Women $49.95 $35.00
9781611860825 Discourse and Defiance Under Nazi Occupation $54.95 $38.00
9780870138690 Executing Democracy Volume 1 $78.00 $50.00
9781611860474 Executing Democracy Volume 2 $78.00 $50.00
9781611860993 The Good Neighbor $59.95 $42.00
9781611862577 Imagining China $39.95 $30.00
9781611863604 Intellectual Populism $34.95 $28.00
9781611861402 Intertextuality and the 24-Hour News Cycle $39.95 $30.00
9781611863048 John F. Kennedy and the Liberal Persuasion $39.95 $30.00
9781611860528 Making the Case $69.95 $49.00
9780870137303 Malcolm X $66.00 $45.00
9781611863468 The Manufacture of Consent $44.95 $32.00
9781611862874 Michael Osborn on Metaphor and Style $59.95 $42.00
9781611863284 National Rhetorics in the Syrian Immigration Crisis $49.95 $35.00
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9781611863413 The Origins of Bioethics $39.95 $30.00
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9781611862133 Rethinking Rhetorical Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy $39.95 $30.00
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9781611863055 Strains of Dissent $39.95 $30.00
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9781611862539 To Become an American $39.95 $30.00
9781611860832 William James and the Art of Popular Statement $42.95 $35.00
Rhetorical History of the United States

9780870137822 Rhetoric, Religion, and the Roots of Identity in British Colonial America $189.00 $90.00
9780870138362 The Rhetoric of Nineteenth-Century Reform $189.00 $90.00
9780870136375 Rhetoric and Reform in the Progressive Era $189.00 $90.00
9780870137679 American Rhetoric in the New Deal Era, 1932–1945 $189.00 $90.00
9781611862935 World War II and the Cold War $189.00 $90.00
9781611862485 Social Controversy and Public Address in the 1960s and Early 1970s $189.00 $90.00
African Studies Association

9781611862454 African Filmmaking $32.95 $24.00
9781611860429 The African Presence in Santo Domingo $19.95 $14.00
9781611861365 The African Union’s Africa $42.00 $21.00
9781611860405 Afro-Descendants, Identity, and the Struggle for Development in the Americas $45.60 $35.00
9781611863178 Albert Camus, Jean Sénac, or The Rebel Son $29.95 $20.00
9781611862096 As She Was Discovering Tigony $29.95 $20.00
9781611862195 Brazilian-African Diaspora in Ghana $49.95 $35.00
9781611862928 Cine-Ethiopia $39.95 $28.00
9781611861990 Citizens of Beauty $26.95 $19.00
9781611863451 City of Broken Dreams $29.95 $20.00
9781611862119 Contemporary African Cinema $39.95 $28.00
9781611862669 Contours of Change $29.95 $21.00
9781611862041 Decolonizing the Republic $39.95 $28.00
9781611861044 Diverse Pathways $29.95 $20.00
9781611862140 Doomi Golo—The Hidden Notebooks $24.95 $19.00
9781611863208 Edward W. Blyden’s Intellectual Transformations $49.95 $35.00
9781611862751 Ethiopia $37.95 $25.00
9781611861662 The Forge and the Funeral $39.95 $25.00
9781609175672 Kings of Disaster $24.95 $19.00
9781611861532 The Knight and His Shadow $19.95 $14.00
9781611861921 Liberation and Development $39.95 $28.00
9781611862270 The Lieutenant of Kouta $20.00 $15.00
9781611862942 The Making of Brazil’s Black Mecca $49.95 $35.00
9781611861440 Malaria, Poems $16.95 $10.00
9781611862522 A Motorcycle on Hell Run $39.95 $28.00
9781611862768 Murder at Small Koppie $24.95 $20.00
9781611861686 Necessarily Black $24.95 $15.00
9781611863024 New Frontiers in the Study of the Global African Diaspora $49.95 $35.00
9781611862379 “Obeah” and Other Martinican Stories $19.95 $15.00
9781611862362 Photography and American Coloniality $39.95 $30.00
9781611862409 Sisters in Spirit $39.95 $30.00
9781611861822 Stray Truths $19.95 $14.00
9781611863345 Subversive Traditions $54.95 $40.00
9781611862966 Taking African Cartoons Seriously $49.95 $35.00
9781611862850 To Swim with Crocodiles $49.95 $35.00
9781611863116 West African Screen Media $49.95 $35.00
9781611863550 Who Owns the Problem? $29.95 $20.00
9781611861877 Yam in West Africa $24.95 $17.00
Michigan History

9781611863338 16th Michigan Infantry in the Civil War, Revised and Updated $49.95 $35.00
9780870135835 African Americans in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870135842 Albanians in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611862911 Alexis Rockman $34.95 $26.00
9780870135972 Amish in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780578173214 Applewood: The Charles Stewart Mott Estate $40.00 $25.00
9780870136672 Arab Americans in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870136214 Asian Indians in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870138126 Belgians in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870137426 Chaldeans in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611860450 Contested Territories $39.95 $25.00
9780870138249 Copts in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870137877 Cornish in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611860948 Danes and Icelanders in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611863598 Detroit’s Hidden Channels $44.95 $30.00
9781611863727 Divided Loyalties $29.95 $20.00
9780870136207 Dutch in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870135811 Ethnicity in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870138447 Finns in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611860306 Finland-Swedes in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611863000 The Fishing Line $39.95 $28.00
9781611860740 French and Indians in the Heart of North America, 1630–1815 $25.95 $17.00
9780870135828 French Canadians in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611861983 French in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870136191 Germans in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611862676 The Great Water $26.95 $19.00
9780870136795 Greeks in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870138812 Haitians in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781948314046 Heart of the Lakes $19.95 $15.00
9781611861198 Hmong Americans in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870136443 Hungarians in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
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9780870137648 Irish in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870135996 Italians in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870135989 Jews in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
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9780870137549 Latvians in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870138133 Lithuanians in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611860191 Maltese in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611863253 Mémoires of Michilimackinac and the Pays d’en Haut $54.95 $37.00
9781611862614 The Merchant John Askin $39.95 $28.00
9780870136665 Mexicans and Mexican Americans in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870138782 Norwegians in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611863017 Once upon a Time at the Opera House $54.95 $35.00
9781611861372 Ottawa Stories from the Springs $24.95 $17.00
9780870136184 Poles in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611860856 Railroads for Michigan $68.40 $45.00
9780578172804 Remarkable Rebirth $29.95 $20.00
9781611863369 RESPECT $29.95 $20.00
9781611863406 Romanies in Michigan $14.95 $11.00
9781611862232 Sailing into History $39.95 $25.00
9780870137754 Scandinavians in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870136894 Scots in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611861419 Serbians in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870139727 Sixty Years’ War for the Great Lakes, 1754–1814 $24.95 $15.00
9781611862546 Slovenes in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9780870136436 South Slavs in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611860412 Swedes in Michigan $12.95 $10.00
9781611862300 The Thirty-Year War $39.95 $25.00
9781611860382 War of 1812 in the Old Northwest $24.95 $15.00
9781948314022 Waterfront Porch $24.95 $15.00
9781611863147 The Western Journals of Nehemiah and Henry Sanford, 1839–1846 $49.95 $25.00
9780870138256 Yankees in Michigan $12.95 $10.00