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Use code ECO2022 through June 30, 2022.
9788178985923 State of Lake Superior | cloth $199.00 $99.50
9788178984582 State of Lake Michigan | cloth $175.00 87.50
9780992100735 The Lake Huron Ecosystem | paper $150.00 75.00
9789051031171 The Lake Huron Ecosystem | cloth $150.00 75.00
9788178985916 Checking the Pulse of Lake Erie | paper $150.00 75.00
9788178982991 State of Lake Ontario | cloth $175.00 87.50
9780992100704 Phytoplankton Dynamics in the North American Great Lakes, Vols. 1 & 2 | paper $150.00 75.00
9780992100728 The Great Lakes of the World (GLOW) | paper $150.00 75.00
9789057820816 The Great Lakes of the World (GLOW) | cloth $150.00 75.00
9780992100711 The Gulf Ecosystem Health and Sustainability | paper $150.00 75.00
9788178982328 Sediment Quality Assessment and Management | paper $75.00 22.50