Call for Coeditors: Rhetoric, Politics & Culture

Assuming duties in 2025; overseeing volumes 5 through 8

The Executive Board of Rhetoric, Politics & Culture and Michigan State University Press seek proposals from teams of two or three to serve as coeditors for the journal. The selected team would begin the onboarding process in mid-2025 and oversee the publication of vols. 5–8 (2026–2029). RPC’s by-laws propose that there be at least one coeditor from rhetoric in English and at least one from Communication, so the ideal team would fulfill this requirement. Proposals from teams are preferred, but individual proposals are also accepted with the understanding that the executive board reserves the right to pair individuals based on the prerequisites of the by-laws.

Rhetoric, Politics & Culture embraces a pluralistic approach to rhetorical scholarship. The journal is open to a variety of methodological approaches, from close textual and/or historical analysis to critical/cultural, ethnographic, performative, artistic, and/or theoretical work. The journal invites scholarship on rhetorics of marginalization, structure, materiality, and power; politics, advocacy, and activism; and beyond. Foremost to its mission is featuring perspectives that question in/justice, in/equity, power, and democracy and that attend to interlocking structures of power within their geopolitical and historical contexts. This journal also invites rhetorical scholarship that archives, documents, theorizes, or participates in forms of individual and collective public interventions, advocacy, activism, and resistance to such structures. The journal is published two times each year.

Current editor Dr. Ersula J. Ore (Arizona State University) will remain as editor until the completion of volume 4 in 2025. As outlined in the journal’s by-laws, the current executive board (listed below) will review applications and appoint the new coeditors using a consensus voting structure.

In selecting the coeditors, the following factors will be considered:

  • Innovative vision for the journal
  • Record of research in rhetoric, based in both English and Communication
  • Record of experience as an editor and project manager

Editors must

  • Agree to observe and support Michigan State University Press’s publication policies, including its policies on peer review, publication ethics, and handling research misconduct.
  • Commit to using Michigan State University Press’s online system for manuscript submission, review, and editing.
  • Commit to adhering to the NCA Policy on Affirmative Action and Nondiscrimination and the NCA Statements on Inclusivity.
  • Commit to meeting editorial deadlines and responsibilities, appoint executive and editorial board members, and commit to the journal’s by-laws.

The coeditors should work with their institution to ensure that they have the needed departmental support to carry out the responsibilities of coediting the journal (such as an annual course release, funds to support a graduate editorial assistant, or other support). Please contact Natalie Eidenier ( with any questions about institutional support.

How to Apply

Self-nominations are preferred.

Deadline: December 20, 2024

Applications should include the following:

  • A letter outlining the candidate’s editorial vision for the journal and specific steps to be taken to ensure equity, diversity, and inclusion in all phases of journal editing.
    • If the application is not a self-nomination, the letter should include a statement from the nominee agreeing to serve if selected.
  • A letter from the relevant administrator at the applicant’s university indicating institutional support for the nominee.
  • A current CV including the names and contact information of three references who are familiar with the applicant’s record of scholarship and editorial experience.

Letters and supporting materials should be emailed to:

Natalie Eidenier
Journals Manager, Michigan State University Press

Rhetoric, Politics & Culture Executive Board

Karma R. Chávez, University of Texas-Austin
Andre E. Johnson, University of Memphis
Vani Kannan, Lehman College
Jacqueline Jones Royster, Georgia Institute of Technology
Khirsten L. Scott, University of Pittsburgh
Anjali Vats, University of Pittsburgh

